Sunday, 28 February 2010

New India Galleries Online

I finally finished scanning in all the negatives from the Holga and Diana+ rolls I took in Chennai, Mamallapuram and Bangalore back in January, and I posted two new galleries to the Holga page. Unfortunately several of the rolls had severe light leaks and a good many pics were wasted. You see some of the not quite so damaged pics in the galleries.

All the sets with India photos are now in one place, namely [here].

Friday, 12 February 2010

Analogue Daydreams - The art of Holga photography

Back in January, Jim Elson, a media student in Berlin, interviewed myself and another Berlin based Holga photographer, Mathias Meyer, for a video about the use of and the fascination with Holga cameras, or, as Jim put it, "A short film about the Holga film camera, and those who love it". To the interview he added footage of us taking pictures with the camera and mixed in the photos taken during those sessions.
The video is an interesting essay about what Holga photography is all about. Check it out here.